Mid-Columbia Science Fair Judging
The Richland section has been a proud sponsor of STEM education in the Columbia Basin
for many years. Your help is requested in judging chemistry related projects at the Mid-Columbia Science Fair to be held March 13th at WSU Tri-Cities.
To learn more, please visit https://midcolumbiasciencefair.org/.
The Richland Section chemistry awards are separate from any other award presented by the Mid-Columbia Science Fair (MCSF) and the winners are decided solely by the Richland Section. To volunteer, simply contact the person heading up the Richland Section’s efforts, David Heldebrant, email: david.heldebrant@pnnl.gov. Judging is a fun activity and you will meet some very talented young people!
***ACS Volunteers are now required to have a Background Check.***
Please click on this link: https://www.acs.org/volunteer/explore/youth-protection-policy.html. Once here, click on “Request a Background Check”. The process is easy, free, and only takes a couple of minutes. If you have any questions about this, please contact acsrichlandsection@gmail.com.