ACS Richland Section


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee is the governing body of the Section and conducts, manages, and directs the business and affairs of the Section in accordance with the ACS Governing Documents and our bylaws. The Executive Committee consists of the officers of the Section (Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer), the Immediate Past Chair, the Councilor(s), and Alternate Councilor(s), and the chairs of the standing committees.

Sonia Alcantar Anguiano

Sonia Alcantar Anguiano

Chair (2025)

The Chair presides at Section meetings, carries out the Committee's decisions and recommendations, appoints committee chairs and committee members, and carries out any other duties required.

Vanessa Dagle

Vanessa Dagle

Chair-Elect (2025)

The Chair-Elect assists the Chair with the direction and management of the Section and takes on the duties of the Chair in the Chair's absence.

Emily Diaz

Emily Diaz

Secretary (2025)

The Secretary maintains records for the Section and Executive Committee, including membership lists and reports to ACS as required.

Jared Kroll

Jared Kroll

Treasurer (2025)

The Treasurer keeps records of all financial transactions, disburses funds as needed, and maintains the financial health of the Section.

Portrait of Shirmir Branch

Shirmir Branch

Past-Chair (2025)

The Immediate Past Chair prepares the Section's annual report and serves as Chair of the Nominating Committee.

Headshot of Anna Cavinato

Anna Cavinato

Councilor (2025), Diversity Chair

The Councilor attends and represents the Section at the ACS Council meetings.

Portrait of David Heldebrant

David Heldebrant

Alt. Councilor (2025)

The Alternate Councilor attends and represents the Section at meetings the Councilor cannot attend.

Looking for leadership or other volunteering opportunities at ACS Richland? We have openings! 

Standing Committees

Portrait of Shirmir Branch

Shirmir Branch

Awards Chair

The Immediate Past Chair prepares the Section's annual report and serves as Chair of the Nominating Committee.

Awards Committee

Chair: Shirmir Branch

The Awards Committee solicits nominations for the Section awards and other nominations supported by the Section as well as provides narrative description for their award candidacy:

  • Section award Local Section Volunteer of the Year
  • National award ACS Fellow
  • Regional award ACS E. Ann Nalley Northwest Regional Award for Volunteer Service to the American Chemical Society
Headshot of Anna Cavinato

Anna Cavinato

Diversity Chair

Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Chair: Anna Cavinato

The Diversity & Inclusion committee is committed to fostering an inclusive environment where members feel respected and connected to one another. The committee organizes events that celebrate diversity, foster dialog around DEI&R issues and promote and strengthen participation of underrepresented minorities at all levels in the chemical sciences.

ACS Phoenix

Colby Heideman

Education Chair

Education Committee

Chair: Colby Heideman

The Education Committee monitors and advocates for all educational outreach by the Section as well as provides a direct communications channel to the Executive Committee for Student Chapters and their Chapter Advisors. The committee also helps guide the Section’s activities to increase and dissemination of chemical knowledge; promote of scientific interests and inquiry; and foster public STEM awareness and education.

Portrait of Kristin Omberg

Kristin Omberg

Government Affairs Chair

Government Affairs Committee

Chair: Kristin Omberg

The Government Affairs Committee increases the visibility of scientists as an important interest group in the public policy arena by empowering the Section’s members to effectively advocate for chemistry, the chemical enterprise, and the importance of science in public policy.

Sandra Fiskum

Sandra Fiskum

Membership Chair

Membership Committee

Chair: Sandra Fiskum

The Membership Committee endeavors to maintain and increase the membership of the Section. This includes outreach to new members to welcome them, and working with the Public Relations Committee to reach members. 

Portrait of Shirmir Branch

Shirmir Branch

Nominations Chair

Nominations Committee

Chair: Shirmir Branch

Committee works to solicit nominees for Executive Committee positions in time for voting and then provide the slate of officer candidates to the Executive Committee for approval.

Vanessa Dagle

Vanessa Dagle

Program Chair

Program Committee

Chair: Vanessa Dagle

The Program Committee arranges the regular programs and may, with the concurrence of the Chair of the Section, schedule special meetings and programs. The committee organizes the Annual ACS Honors and Awards Ceremony and others. The Chair-Elect serves as the chair of the Program Committee.

Public Relations Chair

Public Relations Committee

Chair: Open Position

The Public Relations Committee keeps the Section’s members and affiliates as well as the public informed about the activities of the Section. The Newsletter Editor and Webmaster are members of the Public Relations Committee.

Women Chemists Chair

Women Chemists Committee

Chair:  Position Open

The Women Chemists Committee advocates for women chemists; helps them integrate into and advance in their careers and scientific fields; and helps guide women chemists and early professionals into a successful career and active involvement in the ACS with an emphasis on community outreach and mentoring.

Appointed Committees

ACS Phoenix

Environmental Committee Chair

Committee on Environment and Sustainability

Chair:  Uriah Kilgore

The Committee on Environment and Sustainability enhances awareness and response to challenges to sustainability for the chemical community. Sustainability is seen as providing for the environmental and human health and economic and societal needs of today without compromising the progress and success of future generations. The committee will also monitor current and emerging environmental problems, research environmental chemistry issues. This committee will share relevant information on these topics with the local science community.

Jared Kroll headshot, short brown hair, blue polo shirt

Safety Committee Chair

Safety Committee

Chair:  Jarod Kroll

The Safety Committee aims to share relevant chemical safety information and resources to ACS members and the local community by offering educational seminars and participating in community events. The Committee envisions a scientific community that embraces safety in all activities of the chemistry enterprise.

headshot of Mickey Rogers, dark hair glasses.

Younger Chemists Committee Chair

Younger Chemists Committee

Chair:  Mickey Rogers

Younger Chemists Committee serves the needs of early career chemists by advocating for, and providing resources to, early-career chemists and professionals in the chemical sciences and related fields. It addresses specific issues facing younger chemists within the ACS and serves as a voice to the Society on behalf of younger chemists.

Other Leaders

Portrait of Matthew Monroe

Matthew Monroe

Website Team

Headshot of Dr. Ram Devanthan

Ram Devanthan

NOR Board Representative

ACS Phoenix


Newsletter Team

ACS Phoenix

